Our employees are our most valued asset, and providing a healthy and safe working environment is part of how we will be recognised as one of the best places to work. Our Zero Harm vision is for health and safety to be embraced as best practice throughout our organisation, having equal standing to our commercial and operational activities.
We encourage employees to promote a positive health and safety culture, working collaboratively with our clients, partners and supply chain, such that we have a positive impact on safety performance across all our activities.
Pursuing our vision and effectively managing health and safety risks is the responsibility of our regional businesses, who will:
- Ensure their health and safety management system is maintained and effectively implemented such that it meets or exceeds the requirements of this policy, local legislation, and adequately addresses local health and safety risks.
- Set health and safety objectives annually, communicate these to all employees, and monitor progress.
- Continually improve health and safety performance as part of good business practice.
- Effectively implement our ‘Expectations for Health & Safety Management’.
- Ensure an appropriate level of resources and funding to support this policy.
- Communicate with employees on any health and safety matters which may affect them.
The leadership is expected to do the following;
- Promote a positive health and safety culture by providing visible and tangible leadership.
- Encourage the sharing of best practice and lessons learned across our global operations.
- Make safety integral to everything we do, by ensuring that health and safety is an agenda item at all Leadership meetings and given equal importance to other operational items.
- Submit a formal progress report to the Companies director on a quarterly basis.
- Provide feedback and recognition to employees who positively contribute to reducing health and safety risks.
Employees have a duty of care to themselves and others potentially affected by our activities and are expected to be aware of, and encouraged to contribute to the delivery of this policy by:
- Knowing where they can access suitably qualified and experienced health and safety advisors for guidance and advice.
- ‘Making Safety Personal’ by reporting any accidents, incidents, unsafe acts, near misses or observations where health and safety performance could be improved.
- Challenging the status quo, suggesting improvements and proposing innovative ideas which can remove risk from our activities.
- Keeping health and safety a priority in our offices, on our sites and at home.
In 2020 we will continue to focus our efforts on reducing and removing the risks associated with all of our activities with a particular focus on driving, people-plant-vehicle interfaces and overseas working.
We look forward to working with our employees, clients and partners to deliver the vision, values, and objectives set out in this policy.
Phil Stokes
Team Stokes Limited